Less is More
cheap wholesale jewelry |By Wai Han on April 30, 20100
Another reason why Less is More
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Here, the minimalist motto, "Less is more", also works in another way. The lesser the price, the more likely it will attract buyers. Though this has nothing to do with aesthetic taste, it does influence the decision making of many with tight budgets. And many are also starting to believe that lesser price doesn't necessarily mean lesser quality or sophistication. Less is more. Nothing less.
When we talk of silver jewelry today, we are most of the time referring to Sterling Silver. Not only is Sterling Silver Jewelry both affordable and stylish, it is also appealing to the eyes of modern men and women, both young and old. In many places around the Globe, it is even being favored more than yellow gold. Yellow gold may be precious and majestic, but many take it also as being too showy and conspicuous.
Minimalist architect Ludwig Mies van der Rohe adopted the motto "Less is more" to describe his aesthetic tactic of arranging the numerous necessary components of a building to create an impression of extreme simplicity. This motto reminds one a lot of the simplicity, the sleekness, and the elegance of Sterling Silver Jewelry. This I find as one main reason why many opt for it over yellow gold. The yellow gold, to many, proved too showy. It lacked the simplicity sought for by the modern man in an age of complexity and chaos. Silver, on the other hand, carries an elegance without compromising its simplicity. In a Beckettian sense, it says a lot without having to say much.
Man's use of silver for jewelry is definitely not something new. In fact it even goes back thousands of years. In the Old Kingdom of Ancient Egypt, silver jewelry was used for ceremonial ornamentation. And in the different points throughout history, the elegance and simplicity of silver was appreciated in almost all geographical locations. Silver jewelry was used widely in the Americas, like in Mexico, Peru, and in many countries in Europe and Asia.
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